Aims of Millennia 2015 | Rationale | Issues | Methodology | Workshops | Documents | Proceedings 


Aims of Millennia

Generic title | Women 1908-2008 | Process | Logo


- Rationale

- Abstract

- Why you should participate
  in the process

    Generic title

In English:
"Millennia 2015, Women as actors of development for the global challenges"

In French:
"Millennia 2015, Femmes actrices de développement pour les enjeux mondiaux"

Apart the fact that the conference will hold in a French country, these two languages, English and French, are the two official languages of the United Nations Associations (WFUNA).


    Women: 1908-2008, one century of action

On the 8th of March 1908, the premise of the International Women's Day was born out of the actions of women workers demanding suffrage for women, as well as political, economic and social rights. They also acted against child labor and against the war.

The Women's Day was instituted in 1910 and has been celebrated on the 8th of March nearly all over the world ever since, with a recognition by the United Nations in 1977 as a "United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace".

To commemorate that date and one century of action, the Destree Institute decided to organize, with all its partners, an international event:
Millennia 2015, named as a feminine version of the Latin word "millennium".


Millennia is more than a new conference, a new association or a new network, with new publications and a new website. Millennia will take the best of all those elements to constitute a think tank as a new milestone to empower women's entrepreneurship at large and on a global level. It is maybe the first international process to work for women's future with foresight as a tool.

Millennia will work to gather women experience from all over the world, with a vision leading to enable research and development towards 2015 and beyond.

We intend to present, during each session, Millennia's Memorandum and decisions to political, economical and social decision-makers at all levels (local, regional, European and worldwide).



Millennia 2015, International Conference of the Destree Institute, Liège, 07-08.03.2008.

To build the logo of Millennia, we wished to illustrate:

    - the universality of Women in Millennia (3 Women signs with different colors in movement);

    - the colors of the world, starting from where Millennia will take place, Wallonia (red and yellow), to our nearest partner, Europe (yellow and blue); with blue as the color of the United Nations, of WFUNA, of UNESCO; and green to keep in mind one of our main concerns, which is to deal with the fragility of environment to achieve sustainable development;

    - the Millennia's process at work from 2008 to 2015 (3 spirals moving around different axes);

    - the official international women's color since 1908, at the center of the word "millennia": purple for justice, dignity, self-reverence and self-respect (and representing the women's vote); the colour gold representing 'a new dawn' has been commonly used to represent the second wave of feminism (see International Women's Day);

    - again, the sustainable development concern of Millennia, at the horizon "2015" designed in blue and green.

We thank Xavier Warrant, the designer who has realized the logo of Millennia 2015.